Release Blitz for Defeat by Evelyn Sola

When David found Delaney sleeping in his bed, he never thought they’d be more than friends. But as time passes, he quickly discovers that the smallest spark leads to possibilities he never expected. Readers who enjoy spicy romances will devour Defeat by Evelyn Sola, a steamy, friends with benefits romance.

I couldn’t put this book down. I started it on Christmas Eve it is now Christmas day and I just finished. I loved everything, the characters, story line, and uhmm the hot sex! Dammit Evelyn! I have pies to finish. Well written.”-Amazon Review for Downfall


A self-proclaimed bachelor, content on his own. A runaway bride, searching for her freedom. 

They may seem like they’ve got nothing in common, but the tiniest sparks make the biggest flames. 

Delaney Lewis is desperate for her freedom. From her controlling mother and the man she left standing at the altar. 

Her best friend is more than happy to help her escape and sets Delaney up at her soon to be brother-in-law’s house while he’s out of town, confident that when David comes home—he’ll do whatever it takes to keep Delaney safe from her crazy family. 

David Sutton finds the surprise of a lifetime when he discovers a woman sleeping soundly in his bed. When she explains how she ended up there, David’s heart and mind slowly open, leading to a permanent place to stay, a job, and best of all, a new outlook. 

The woman who was much like a stranger before, slowly becomes his friend…with a few intimate perks and before they know it, real sparks start to fly. 

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Copyright 2023 @Evelyn Sola

 The room is pitch black, which is unusual. I prefer the blinds to be partially open so moonlight can seep through the windows at night, but maybe my housekeeper shut them while she dusted.
Too tired to think of it any further, I pull down my crumpled comforter and drop myself on the bed. Except, I’m not on my cool sheets. I’m on top of another human being.
“What the fuck!” I jump off and turn on the lamp. Pumpkin meows loudly, but all I can do is stare at the strange female in my bed.
“Hey!” she says. She jumps off, wearing nothing but a black tee, which I’m sure belongs to me. The first thing I notice is a pair of long, lean brown legs. She’s running a hand over her face by the time my eyes travel up her slight frame. She’s tall but thin. She pushes back a head full of dark hair, and I look into her dark brown eyes.
She’s pretty. Very pretty with full, pouty lips and high cheekbones. Her only imperfection is a mole in the middle of her right cheek, but it works for her. She would have been too perfect without it. It’s the only blemish on her clear, smooth skin.
“Who the hell are you and what the fuck are you doing in my house, in my bed?” I look around for my phone; then I remember the stupid thing broke on me. That’s another thing I need to do tomorrow. I need to go buy a new phone. I haven’t had one for days.
“Um,” she looks around the room, looking a little confused. This is a high-end neighborhood. There are no squatters here. “Max said I could stay here.” She yawns, showcasing her perfect straight teeth. That’s not the mouth of a squatter. She runs her hands over her face again, and I notice a fresh French manicure.
“Max said you could stay here? My brother said that? And did he also tell you that you could sleep in my bed?”
She sighs almost as if I’m inconveniencing her and sits on the bed,
“He called you a bunch of times. I’m Delaney Lewis.” She offers me her hand, but I don’t take it.
“Am I supposed to know who you are? You have five seconds or I’m calling the police.” It’s a total lie. I have no phone, but she doesn’t know that. And I’d never call the police on such a stunning creature. Beautiful women are my Kryptonite, and this one is as beautiful as they get.
“I’m Summer’s best friend and—”
I calm down now that I recognize the name.
“Right,” I relax, but I don’t sit. “They went to your wedding last Saturday.” I pull back the rest of the covers to make sure there’s no naked man in my bed.
“Well, the wedding didn’t happen,” she mutters. She looks down at the carpet, and her shoulders slump.
“But that doesn’t explain why you’re here,” I tell her.
“I’m not ready to face my parents or ex-fiancé yet. They know where Max lives, so he said I could hide out here for a few days.” 

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About Evelyn Sola

A Boston native, wife, mother, and wine enthusiast. If she’s not writing, thinking about writing, you will find Evelyn with a book in her hands. While a new publisher, she’s been writing for years, and she will continue to write for many years to come. 

Evelyn is obsessed with assertive and confident men who will stop at nothing to get their woman. Her stories are filled with love, passion, and humor.

She currently lives in Chicago, IL with her husband and two daughters.

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